What’s happening at GB O’ Fallon/ LSL in June?
We have quite a few weekends marked on our calendar for June!
Here is a list of some events that are happening this month to kick off summer!
Saturday, June 11th: Belt Promotion & Potluck!
● Starting at 12pm, we will be having a belt promotion for our adult students! If you
are coming to congratulate your teammates, feel free to bring your uniform as there will also be an open mat for those who want to roll that afternoon. Don’t forget the food! There is a potluck sign up sheet at the front desk; Just put down your name and whatever dish/ snack you are bringing to share. It is going to be an awesome day of food, friends, and jiu-jitsu to celebrate the adult students who have worked hard to earn their belt promotions! There will be no regular adult all levels class that day.
Saturday, June 18th: Gracie Barra Missouri Summer CompNet Championship
● If you haven’t heard already, the Missouri Summer CompNet Championship willbe held at
Rock Bridge High School in Columbia Missouri on Saturday, June 18th!
Gracie Barra academies all throughout the region will be competing against each other in a friendly tournament. If you are not competing, it is still a great opportunity to see what a competition is like, meet people that train at our sister schools around the area, and have a fun day watching your teammates compete!
Registration closes June 12th, so if you haven’t signed up yet, make sure to do
so by then!
Monday June 20th – Friday June 24th: Gracie Barra Kids Summer Camp
● Monday through Friday, from 9am to 4pm we will be holding our GBK Summer
Camp! Kids ages 7-12 can look forward to tons of fun activities that week including sport jiu jitsu, self-defense, striking, and lots of games as well as focusing on how to create and achieve goals! There has been email sent out for those who have signed up their children including information about some frequently asked questions regarding the summer camp. Spaces are filling up fast, so please ask an instructor about availability if you are still thinking about getting your child involved!