Spotlight on Professor Steve Moellering.
My name is Stephen Gerard Moellering Jr. and I was born December 28th 1985 at St. Joseph Hospital in St. Charles, Mo. I graduated from Lindbergh HS in 2004 and lived in South City St. Louis for a short time. I attended an apprenticeship school to learn a trade and ultimately ended up welding and piledriving at the end. I did about 60 or so credit hours of Jr. College while attending a gym that’s no longer around. By 2011 I had fought a couple times in MMA and won. Looking forward I met my wife Jill and never looked back. We moved back out to St. Charles and started a life together. JiuJitsu with GB and Professor Mike Buckels started approx 2012. Since I’ve competed and podiumed 6 times between Pan and Worlds and podiumed/ won many times in International championships. My main goal for the past few years has been spending time with my family, Jill and my daughter Alina, teaching, and working on a regular basis with law enforcement in and around eastern Missouri in defensive tactics; new and improved. I love what I do, I’ve met amazing people over the years and I have fun doing it. 1. Pet Memories! “I’ve always liked animals. We had horses and dogs when I was a little kid growing up. I got my own first dog when I was 18. His name was Dodger and he was a white and brown spotted American Bulldog mix. A buddy of mine got him from a bulldog rescue as a puppy. Shortly after he was deployed to Iraq; I kept Dodger and shared a good life with him until he passed at 12 years old.” 2. Favorite Hobbies/Activities! “Jiu Jitsu has been my primary lifestyle activity. I get so much from the whole process. Diet, camaraderie, the humility of losing or failing, not giving up and consistently problem solving. Everyday is a challenge and satisfying. Most of my hobbies occur outdoors. I appreciate Mother Nature and what it does for me. Very few things can lower my stress like getting deep into the woods or far out on the lake or even the river can. A little running, swimming, fishing and hunting goes a long way.” 3. Favorite Food! “Favorite food? That’s tough, I’d say smoked ribs, corn bread and baked beans or bone in rib-eye, asparagus and a fat piece of cheesecake.” 4. Quotes to Live By! “It’s a great life if you don’t weaken.” To me that means I cannot let things keep me down. Nothing, no one, no object can stop me from pushing for myself to be where I want to be. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. 5. The Journey to Black Belt! “Staying on the black belt path for me has been about consistency. I think it’s ok to take breaks for family, ourselves, life, but not quitting. The thing is, for me at least, I need/ want this. I need people to shake me up and push me. I need to be taken to my limits, my cliffs edge; Jiu Jitsu and some ultra distance running are the only two things that can do that for me. Jiu Jitsu is by far the healthier and more practical of the two, but nevertheless I need to be ground down and that is fun to me. So I keep doing it.”